P(her)sonal Bible Study Group Videos
Welcome to our Ladies Bible Study Group Video page where we are "empowering a dynamic community of women with tools of encouragement, accountability, and mentorship through the Word of God." Ladies Bible Study videos will be uploaded weekly and taken down after 4 weeks. Please do not share them without permission from Sister Brown. Be blessed in the Lord. Take notes, ask your Pastor any question you may have from the teaching and please... continue to read the Bible for yourself.
Group Rules
Sister Etiquette (Respect)
Everyone has a different point of view so feel free to respectfully disagree. Please be kind and courteous at all times.
Guard Your Sister's Heart (Confidentiality)
Being in this group depends on our trust of one another. Some discussions may be sensitive or contain sensitive information, so what’s said in the group should stay in the group.
A Sister Loves at All Times (Harassment)
Bullying, targeting, or attacking a member of this group is not allowed and will not be tolerated.
Sister's Don't Covet (Copyright/Trademark)
Copyright infringement and trademark When sharing others people’s posts, images and other content, do not infringe on their copyright or claim other people’s materials as your own.
Sister Entrepreneurship (Sales/Spam)
No sales or spam No selling to or spamming other members is allowed in this group. Anyone who does so will be subject to immediate removal. Interested in marketing your brand? Contact Admin for detail
- Private
Only approved members can view this group.
Shown to site visitors.
October 13, 2021
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